Can Clothes Be Haunted?

Princess Diana collection

Since the early ages, clothing has been an integral part of culture, heritage and life itself. We have been researching into the possibility of spiritual attachment and remaining energy in garments. Can clothing really be haunted?


We already know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed – it can only be converted.

Scientists began by proving that clothing could hold energy. Using water as a conductor, they took 50 wet clothing items and used them to store energy in a commercial super-capacitor, creating a charge of 10 volts. This is enough to sustain an LED light bulb for 1 hour.

Now universities across the world are creating fabrics that will generate their own energy.

Natural fabrics such as organic cotton resonate frequencies that can be measured in MegaHertz, with the highest being the natural fibres of wool and linen.

A human being is believed to have an aura, which in layman’s terms, is energy. So if you believe that buildings can hold energy or spirits, why not clothing?

Clothing, Traditions and Family Ties

Edwardian Wedding

What is one of the most heart-wrenching moments after a loved one has died? It’s the touch of their clothes, the embedded memories and the feeling that our loved one remains attached to it somehow. This is why feelings of guilt and overwhelming loss are heightened when it comes to ‘clearing out’ and moving on.

Wedding dresses and christening gowns, handed generation to generation, imbibed with family love and tradition. Positive energy, the feeling that those generations are with you on your special day.

For centuries, from the christening gown to national costume, the wedding dress to funeral shroud and clothing, clothes are steeped in a sense of self and connection to the past.

Do Clothes Retain a Person’s Energy?

Jimi Hendrix iconic jacket

Around fifteen years ago, a psychic was taken to a high end Vintage clothing store in New York. As he browsed the railings, he came upon a jacket that belonged to Jimi Hendrix. We know that there is a cult status around Hendrix and his death, so it would pay the psychic and shop owner to say there was something attached. We know how much celebrity clothing goes for! Only he didn’t. He believed it was ‘clean’ and that the guitar maestro had moved on.

Other items within the store were either ‘clean’ or giving off positive energy and vibes. In fact the only piece that had any kind of negative attachment was a sense of anger. That item turned out to be belonging to a designer who was stabbed to death. Although the psychic believed the anger was more directed to the state of the fashion industry and design than her actually murder!

The Museum of Style Icons and Princess Diana

Princess Diana – Revenge Dress and Engagement Blouse

We visited the Museum of Style Icons in County Kildare and paid particular attention to the Princess Diana Collection, which included her Revenge Dress, the India Dress, her Engagement blouse and the final Toile version of her wedding dress for fitting before the real thing was made.

The Revenge Dress was warn the same night Prince Charles had a very publicised televised interview regarding his infidelity. Instead of hiding, Princess Diana went out on the town in a sexy, show-stopping black dress.

The India Dress was worn to a State banquet, at the same period of time that infamous solitary figure photo in front of the Taj Mahal was taken.

For both of these items, Ann (empath) sensed not anger or betrayal, but a myriad of confused emotions, with the top layers being painstaking loneliness and bewilderment.

Princess Diana – The India Dress

In stark contrast, the Engagement blouse and wedding dress radiated a mix of positive energy, with heavy tones of trepidation and a hint of sadness.

On the other hand, items belonging to Marilyn Monroe seemed devoid of any kind of resonance, but in a negative way and Audrey Hepburn’s many items just seemed peacefully ‘clean.’

Should I buy Vintage or Second Hand and should I cleanse the item?


For the most part, unless you are a psychic, empath or sensitive, you won’t experience anything really, in the same way you enter an old castle or building without any bother.

Of course you can use your gut instinct and if you feel an unhappy, bothered or unsure, just leave it!

If on the other hand, you wish to ‘cleanse’ an item, there are a number of suggestions online that include:

Positive energy inducing crystals

Washing in Chamomile tea

Leaving in sunlight (not recommended for long due to fading!)

Waving a bundle of white sage in a smudging motion over the garment

Prayer or blessing

Sprinkling lavender and rosemary over the garment to ward off evil

Of course from our perspective, an item of clothing can no more impact you than a ‘haunted’ location. For the most part, spirits and energy of the negative persuasion will usually only seek you out if you invite them in.

Much of it is a state of mind, much like the Irish Piseóg, where the curse itself doesn’t do the damage, more the impact it has on fear and emotions within, like the farmer who destroys his cattle as he believes his neighbour has placed a harmful Piseóg upon his livelyhood that will bring disease to his herd.

If you have an item of clothing you feel is imbibed with a spirit or energy, do let us know!

Published by Ann Massey McElroy

Published author and blogger specializing in Irish Folklore, Dark History and Hauntings. Travel Expert working in Travel and Tourism. Ireland Editor at and paranormal investigator. Irish Folklore Consultant for books, comics, films and video games, TV, Interviews, Guest Speaker.

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